I spent a bit of time over the weekend converting my P.O.W. to a Heavy Barrel cabinet. I removed the P.O.W. marquee, bezel and pcb. I rotated the monitor to the vertical position (wow, is that easy to do in the Dynamo cabinets!) and installed the Heavy Barrel marquee, bezel and pcb. I spent an hour or so cleaning up the LS-30 rotary joysticks and installing them. I now have a working JAMMA rotary joystick game cabinet. I received a Time Soldiers pcb (another rotary game) but the rotary function doesn't work :-( I will troubleshoot it at a later time.
For this cabinet to be completely finished, I need to find a Data East control panel overlay and create some side art (using Heavy Barrel art). I also need to clean up the coin door and add coin door lights. I'd like to find a JAMMA switcher as well, so I can switch between a few rotary games like Heavy Barrel, Time Soldiers and Search & Rescue, but I'm not sure how that would work with the extra joystick harnesses... For now, Heavy Barrel is up and running- I forgot how much fun that game is!