Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hurry Up and Wait!

May and early June is a difficult time for me and my hobby- the weather is turning, yard work needs to be done, the kids' school and activities are winding down, etc.  So many of those things take precedence over my arcade restoration plans.  I get to spend a few minutes here and there changing out a bad connector, wiring up a switcher or cleaning a control panel- but for the most part, I play the waiting game until... Father's Day!  Ah yes, Dad's Day is the turning point in my summer arcade restoration hobby.  Sure, much time will be spent with the family on that day and days to follow but just about everything else is finished.  The major yard work will be done, the kids' school is out, their activities are over and our everyday life "slows down."

So until that precious day, I've been hurrying to accumulating parts, doing restoration research, scouring Craigslist, etc.

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